Of course, a linear menu of missions would be too old-school, so Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 scatters these adventures over various regions full of things to collect, outposts to clear, hostages to rescue, and side missions to complete. Throughout Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3, there’s a good amount of stealth, platforming, and gunplay to keep everything fresh. In another, I had to steal a wine truck to infiltrate a mob wedding.

In one, I was covering an agent on the ground. Variety keeps these tight missions from getting repetitive.

Strip Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 of it’s open-world environment and what’s left is series of linear missions that are fairly short, objective-based, and generous with checkpoints – things that made action-adventure games satisfying before most of the genre went open-world. In many ways, it feels a little like a throwback to games I enjoyed on the original Xbox – it’s a martini short of being a decent James Bond game, a la 2002’s Nightfire. “Then I realized this is a game that’s aiming backward, not forward. From time-bending “scout vision” to deploying remote drones straight out of Ghost Recon: Wildlands, nothing about Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 feels novel or unique. Or it would be, if not for numerous graphical and technical problems.As a literal army of one, I used various familiar mechanics to take down my targets at will, including tagging enemies, conducting interrogations and hacking and destroying security systems. Yet, despite this lack of innovation, it still executes its open-world stealth combat well enough that it ends up being a fun and tightly constructed game that doesn’t overstay its welcome. Most of the time a new game in a thriving genre has a unique idea that distinguishes it and gives it a reason to exist, but not Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3. Its mechanics mostly competently echo those more popular franchises, but it doesn’t do any single thing notably better. Playing Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3, if you’ve played games from similar series like Far Cry and Sniper Elite, gives a constant sense of deja vu.